Heating Instructions

Oven Heating

Remove your tiffin box from the fridge around an hour before you plan to pop it in the oven, to allow the tins to come to room temperature. If you don't have time to do this, we recommend allowing for an extra 5-10 mins of cooking time.

Pre-heat your oven to 180 degrees and once it has reached temperature, your tiffin box can be placed directly in the oven, stacked as it is delivered. If you don't have the room to do this in your oven, we'd recommend stacking the curry on the top tin and the Dal on top of the rice and placing onto a roasting tray

It should take between 40-50 mins to heat your food, but please note timings will vary slightly depending on the efficiency of the oven you are using. The curry and dal should be stirred occasionally (to ensure an even heat), and only served once piping hot. Please be careful when removing from the oven and dishing up as the tins will be extremely hot. 


To ensure your breads don't crisp up, we recommend popping into the microwave for around 30 seconds with a little splash of water on top of each.